Hire Vetted
Virtual Employees

Save up To 75%, Risk-Free Guaranteed.

Get a 40hr free trial, hire talent as low as $5/hr, satisfaction guaranteed or you don't pay.

Trusted by leading brands, including:

What We Do

Scale your company with our remote workforce solutions

Fortune 500 companies have been using Offshore Outsourcing to cut up to 75% of costs for decades, it's your turn to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

  • Rapid and Affordable Scaling
    We help your company scale rapidly and affordably by helping you hire and manage your remote employees at a fraction of your domestic labor cost.
  • Focus on Your Business
    Your core focus is working on the business, not in it, leave that to us.
  • Skilled and Hard-Working Employees
    You can hire highly-skilled, hard-working virtual employees in Digital Marketing, Accounting, HR, IT, and Administration for as low as $5/hr.
What We Do Video

Our Risk Free Guarantee

Risk Free Badge

Evaluate your virtual employee with confidence

You may be thinking 'Yes, I know I can save costs but how do I know my virtual employee is a good fit?'

  • Risk-Free Trial
    You get a 1-week (40 hour) free trial with the candidate of your choice. That's right, you get to try before you buy with 0 risk to you!
  • Post-Trial Concerns
    You think to yourself 'Well, what if I like them, but it doesn't work out after 1-month and I want a replacement?'
  • Replacement Guarantee
    We offer our famous 'Rocky Training Montage Replacement Guarantee.' If your virtual employee is not performing to the KPIs we set out - we either cover the cost of additional training or replace them for free!

How It Works

How it Works Video

Discovery Call - Tell Us About Your Requirements


We Shortlist the Best Candidates


Interview Top 2-3 Candidates


Choose the best and grow your business

Who We Are

Talent Trellis helps people around the world find jobs they love. We help companies grow by finding the best virtual team members who fit well with their goals. We listen carefully and talk openly to make sure everyone is happy. Our job is to solve problems about finding and keeping good virtual employees. We work together with companies to help them and their workers succeed.

Find a plan that fits your business best

Testimonial 01
"I've been using their marketing services for quite a while now and I've been really grateful for their teams help in growing my business. I'd highly recommend them!"
Taylor-Lindsay Noel - Founder, Cup of Té

What our clients have to say

Why Choose Us?

40hr Risk Free Trial

Save Up to 75% on Labour

We Offer the ‘Rocky Training Montage Replacement Guarantee’

No Long-Term Contracts

24/7 Support

Personalized Client Dashboard

Frequently asked questions

Start hiring reliable and trustworthy talent today.